Why do we do it?
So…why would anyone NEED electrical testing if they aren’t having any issues?
Let’s take it from the top and start with tier 1, the law!! All employers/employees MUST comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act otherwise they may face prosecution.
Like most laws this act covers a wide spectrum so is broken down into sets of regulations pertaining to the Act such as “The Electricity at Work Regulations”
I mention these tier 2 regulations specifically as they are the reason FCS do what we do. Regulation 3 states:
It SHALL be the duty of every –
(a) employer and self-employed person to comply with the provisions of
these Regulations in so far as they relate to matters which are within his
So then how can employers prove compliance with these regulations (and ultimately the law)?
The answer is found in tier 3 the non-statutory BS:7671 2018 commonly known as “the regs” confusingly.
If duty holders ensure compliance and adhere to guidance from this book. And ensure all contractors work to this as a minimum standard, then they will have in turn met their obligations in the Electricity at Work Regulations and also the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Food for thought.